While I'm aware we're all grounded right now and not flying nearly as much as we used to, there will come a time when borders open and our airports fill up again; so before that happens let's take a second:
Let’s talk about an elephant in the room. Or rather, a plane-sized oxymoron. I consider myself a huge environmentalist but yet I love to travel. I will never try to spin the idea that travelling by plane is somehow environmentally friendly. It’s not; in fact the global tourism industry is responsible for 8% of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions. So, what can we, what can I, do about it? Well in a perfect world we’d all take a page from Greta Thunberg and commit to stop flying all together. But just like other environmental challenges, such as the industrial production & consumption of beef products that skyrockets deforestation and global methane levels, assuming that everyone will be able/want to take part in “radical” solutions such as fully converting to veganism, just isn’t realistic. With that in mind, here are seven easy ways to make your air travel more sustainable:
1. When you have access to an alternative form of transportation (boat, train, bus, car) prioritize it, (they’re often much cheaper too ex: Europe, Asia).
2. If you do fly, stay longer in your destinations: try to avoid those cheap weekend getaways by air.
3. Fly economy over business to improve efficiency.
4. Take direct, non-stop flights to your destinations wherever possible. This reduces the amount of emissions from take offs and landings.
5. Chose daytime flights (these are better due to heat-trapping that occurs in the clouds at night which is alternatively reflected during the day)
6. Research your airline carefully, certain airlines have more "environmental" practices that improve efficiency or offer opportunities to offset your carbon emissions at checkout.
7. Offset your carbon emissions by purchasing gold standard offsets whenever you fly. (See more at: https://davidsuzuki.org/what-you-can-do/carbon-offsets/)
Striving for low impact living means making the most sustainable choice whenever you can; and when you can’t? Be accountable and chose the next best thing. #striveforsustainable 🌎
